Home Uncategorized Establishment of a trial legal clinic for homeless people in the ACT

Establishment of a trial legal clinic for homeless people in the ACT


Senator for the ACT, Kate Lundy has today welcomed the announcement by Attorney-General, Robert McClelland of the additional one-off funding of $6 million for legal assistance services.

The additional one-off funding will provide:
• $3.6 million for the development of pilot programs to build better partnerships and greater collaboration between all Family Relationship and nearby Community Legal Centres;
• $1.5 million for Community Legal Centres; and
• $916,000 for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services (ATSILS).

Part of the community legal centre funding of $1.5 million will contribute to the establishment of a trial legal clinic for homeless persons in the ACT.

“Access to justice is crucial to social equality, particularly for those that are often least able to afford it.

“This trial clinic will help to ensure that homeless people in the ACT get the support they need and will bring us in line with other states such as Queensland and Victoria,” Senator Lundy said.

Media contact: Annika Hutchins 0407 458 882