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$800,000 in extra community infrastructure funding for ACT


Senator for the ACT, Kate Lundy has today welcomed the announcement that the Australian Capital Territory has been allocated $800,000 to assist in building new or upgrade existing community facilities such as libraries, community centres and sports grounds.

The new funding has been made available following the $220 million boost to the Community Infrastructure Program announced today by the Prime Minister at the second meeting of the Australian Council of Local Government.

The extra $220 million will be delivered as follows:

• $100 million shared between all of the nation’s councils and shires; and
• $120 million for larger Strategic Projects. All councils and shires will have the opportunity to compete for a share of this funding.

The extra funding will build on the projects already funded under the Community Infrastructure Program in the ACT, which includes Glebe and Eddison Parks.

The Government will start delivering the extra $220 million to councils and shires towards the end of 2009, giving councils the time to complete the existing projects funded under the Community Infrastructure Program.

Guidelines will be available in the near future. For further information: http://www.aclg.gov.au/cip/index.aspx

Media contact: Annika Hutchins 0407 458 882