Home Youth Young Goalie Making Saves for Research

Young Goalie Making Saves for Research

Eleven Year Old Zairrin O’Neil is making saves for a cause.
O’Neil is a goalie for the Salmon River Storm Pee Wee Team and is raising money for Saves for a Cure, an organization dedicated to cancer research.
He began his charity work when a teammate of his fell ill with brain cancer and another boy in the organization was also diagnosed with cancer.
Individuals who want to help can pledge an amount for each save he makes and the money will be send to Saves for a Cure. He is hoping to raise $500
In addition to this fundraisers he also assists his grandmother with a father/daughter dance that also raise funds for the Relay for Life.
“What better way to raise money for a cause than through something he loves–hockey,” said Coach George O’Neil.
The sixth grader is from Mexico (NY) also enjoys soccer, video games and playing nerd guns.
Anyone wanting to make a donation should go to http://www.gofundme.com/64izi4