Home Girls/Womens Taking Players to the Next Level!

Taking Players to the Next Level!


By Janet Schultz, NYHOL

“Maddie is the only one I would bring my team to for training,” said Niagara Junior Purple Eagles 14U Coach Scott Then.

Maddie Norton Sports Performance was founded by Maddie Norton two years ago, just as the pandemic hit. She didn’t quit on her dream, she made it work, virtually. 

Maddie Norton with NJPE 14U Team

NYHOL talked with her then as gyms and arenas were closed, staying at home was the best option and we all looked for new ways to do things.

Norton teamed up with One Up Sports Performance and Wellness at that time and still partners with them today. Norton and One Up designed programs for people from all walks of life, all fitness backgrounds and all athletes, novice to pro, and took to the outdoors and virtual training throughout the Pandemic.

Individuals and athletes have returned to the arena and the gym for their workout programs. Norton has found a location in Lancaster that is an ideal fit for training.

On this particular Wednesday night she had a session with the NJPE 14U team. 

“This is the first year we have used dry land programs for this team,”said Coach Then. “Getting the players ready for the season is more than just playing, it’s both social and physical.

Norton has set up ten one-hour sessions for the team. They are intense sessions. She has them moving all the time.

“The girls really like Maddie,” said Then. “They connect with her because she has played youth, travel, high school, college and professional hockey. Now she has went into business for herself.

Norton played locally with the Western New York Girls Varsity Ice Hockey League on Lancaster/Iroquois/Depew team where she played in goal because they needed a goalie. She headed off to the University of Buffalo and played four years with the ACHA D2 team that took several championships. She also was their backup goal while playing Center. She received her degree in Biomedical Science.

After UB she played one year of professional hockey with the NWHL Buffalo Beauts.

“She is a great example for the girls to look up to and follow,” said Then.

During this particular session, Norton had them warm up outside the facility with stretches and running. Then she moved inside to sit them down and tell them what they would be working on.

This particular evening it was their warm-up which included the Groin Walkout, Single Leg Stretch and Three Way Lunge. Their workout session was a Box Jump and a Box Drop/Hurdle Jump. 

Their new lesson for the night was the use of the Bench Press, which several girls and indicated they wanted to learn.

Learning the Proper and Safe Way to Bench Press

Ending the evening with a Tempo Run and Stretch.

While that all may sound simple, it was a workout!!

“Most of my team have indicated that their goal is to play collegiate hockey so I want to prepare them for that,” continued Then.

College hockey is very intense. Most teams off-ice workout early in the morning, attend class, have a study period in the afternoon, along with another off-ice workout and then the on-ice practice. Homework also has to be fitted into that schedule.

Then feels that a touch of this type of workout will give them an indication of what is to come; plus it prepares them for their current season. 

“My overall goal with this hockey program (NJPE) is for the players to be good people and to learn good habits, both on and off the ice. An connecting with great role models who have been through this is a great way to develop these habits,” Then continued.

In addition to the physical workouts, Norton will also provide them with nutritional guidance geared for them at their age and gender.

Maddie Norton Sports Performance will provide anyone needing physical workouts, or nutritional help, with a personalized system. MNSP will provide customized training program, customized nutrition program, or  a combined customized training and nutrition program. They will also provide a telephone consult.

Still unsure about going to the gym? 

MNSP has an Daily Workout Membership that a client can access daily and workout via Facebook. It’s ideal for the person with limited time and needs fresh and fun new workouts daily.

“My goal is to achieve yours,” said Norton.

“Whether you are a beginner or advanced athlete, you will receive the same respect from me. My intentions are clear and I am results driven with every individual, group and team that chooses to work with me,” Norton remarked.

Her advice is simple.

“Don’t be afraid to start and be more afraid of what will happen if you don’t start.

To contact MNSP go to www.maddienortonsportsperformance.com and fill out the contact information form. Her facility is located in Lancaster.

Follow Norton on Instagram: maddienortonsportsperformance; Twitter: @maddieenorton; Facebook: maddienortonsportsperformance.