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Six Billion Love


Canberra Youth Theatre and Fringe 09 present SIX BILLION LOVE

a butoh inspired live art work
Created and Directed by Cheneoh Miller
Costume Design: Danielle Killick
Lighting Design: Anthony Arblaster
Cast: Canberra Youth Theatre
The number 6,677,563,921 ticks forwards and backwards everyday with births and deaths on the planet occurring even as you read this. We are 1 of the Six Billion and something people – your presence is noted on the world population counter but what makes you so special? What can you give? SIX BILLION LOVE is intimate physical theatre performed by members of Canberra Youth Theatre.
When: 7,8 & 9 February 2009
Where: The Courtyard Studio, Canberra Theatre Centre, National Multicultural Fringe Festival
Cost: $15 tickets 

BOOK NOW: Tickets available at Canberra Ticketing 6275 2700