Home Youth Shrink your waist in two weeks!

Shrink your waist in two weeks!

12-Second Sequence DVD costs just $39.95

By Shanna Provost


Need to lose that spare tire you acquired over Christmas/New Year?.


According to this renowned fitness and weight-loss expert to the celebrities you can shrink your waist in two weeks. Cruise is a household name in the US, and has been featured in the New York Times, and America’s Who magazine; and has appeared on Oprah, CNN and Dateline NBC.


The 12-Second Sequence Special Edition DVD Kit is a revolutionary new fitness collection that shows you how to rev your metabolism and get a fit, taut and lean body and shrink your waist in just two weeks.


Cruise says the method requires strength training just twice a week for 20 minutes to restore precious fat-burning muscle. It has been proven to target belly fat and speed metabolism by 20 percent every day.


The Special Edition DVD offers simple and personalised coaching sessions and a free booklet, which includes a detailed explanation of how the program works, diet and nutrition guidelines, and testimonials from actual clients who reached their goals.


12-Second Sequence Special Edition DVD (Hay House, RRP $39.95) is available at all leading retailers. Visit www.hayhouse.com.au for more information.