Home Girls/Womens Riveters’ Morgan Fritz-Ward Announces Retirement From Hockey

Riveters’ Morgan Fritz-Ward Announces Retirement From Hockey



BROOKLYN, NY – New York Riveters forward Morgan Fritz-Ward announced today that she will end her professional hockey career after the team’s two games this weekend. The final games of the 23-year-old Fritz-Ward’s career will be on Saturday, when the Riveters host Buffalo, and on Sunday, when the Riveters host Boston. Both games are at Barnabas Health Hockey House in Newark.


“To all my friends in Riveters Nation, I have made the decision that it is time to end my hockey career and start on my new, personal career,” said Fritz-Ward. “I want to thank the league for everything they have ever done for me and allowing me to live out my life-long dream, my teammates for being some of the greatest people I have ever met and also supporting me, and the fans who have made and continue to make this league possible and so enjoyable!


“This was no easy decision, as hockey has been my life since I was ten years old, but I have decided to get back on track with school, which I will be attending in January. I am truly blessed for having had the opportunity to do what I love for over a year. Thank you all again for the support and dedication you have given to me and the league.”


Fritz-Ward was a captain during her senior year at Quinnipiac University and is one of only two professional hockey players (goalie Scott Clemmensen is the other) who was raised in Iowa. In 23 games over a season-plus with the Riveters, Fritz-Ward has four goals and two assists. She was an assistant captain of the team in both seasons, and was voted in by the fans to play in the league’s All-Star Game last season..


“I have deep admiration for Morgan, will always appreciate what she did in the early days of our league, and have great respect for her decision to continue her education,” said NWHL Commissioner Dani Rylan. “Our league will always be about personal and professional development. If a player ever decides, as Morgan did, to leave to pursue other career and educational opportunities, we will always applaud and support their decision. That said, we are sad to see Morgan leave. We will miss you, Fritzy, and wish you success in all of your endeavors.”