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Raging Bull


Everybody has somehting inside of them that is not known by anyone, not even themselves. These are traits that remain a mystery to everyone and a vast majority ramain like this even after they die. So of how much importance is it that we should know these hidden traits? Taking in reference an essay writing on the “Jo Harris Window” there are a lot of points that show how these traits are really present within us.

It basically consists of four windows. One is that of known by everybody. Another is known only to you and not by everyone else. The third is the opposite of the second, known by everybody except you and the last is known to nobody.

This theory pretty much has been the justification of the unexplained behavior that a lot of people show. Behavior which is not normally expected from them. The common line is “I really did not know what I was doing” or “It was like a black cloud came over me” and “I just blanked out”.

But can these be really the justification for the “raging bull” that just suddenly shows itself unexpected?

Can we just let people get away with this explanation even though they have showed extremely unacceptable behavior?
When it is put in that way, the only thing that people say is “Who can blame them?”

Can we?

If they say that they are not fully aware of their actions and that they did not want that to happen. Are they off the hook? Looking back on the Jo Harris Window essay, it did not say that people do not have control over these uknown traits. So what happens when the raging bull comes out is that the person lets the actions take over without resistance. No effort is given in order to cage in the unacceptable behavior. Its just like being drunk. A lot of people use this as an excuse for their behavior. A lot however do not buy it. When a person is drunk they completely know what they are doing, they just have a lot more confidence on their back. The reason why they are able to do things that they normally cannot do without the influence of alcohol. Still the awareness is there and an effort to resist may have done the trick to prevent the raging bull.

When it is put this way, they are really to blame.