Home Girls/Womens NEHDA Development Program For Girls

NEHDA Development Program For Girls

NewEdge Hockey Development Academy
Rochester & Buffalo, NY
What You Do in the Off-Season Can Change Everything!

In the game of hockey, you never “stay the same”, you either fall behind or you get better. If you are the type of player that wants to improve and is willing to put in the work, this program may be for you. NewEdge Hockey Development Academy’s College Prep Development Program for Girls is designed for high-level, talented, determined female athletes who want to be challenged and understand the difference between doing some drills, and TRAINING.

For 6 straight years, NewEdge Hockey Development Academy has been voted the #1 hockey training company in NYS and the reason is simple, we don’t teach drills, we teach hockey. NEHDA has the most experienced, and knowledgeable, professional skating and skills coaches who not only train NCAA D1 players but many NHL players as well.
Girls College Prep Development Program
NewEdge Hockey Development Academy is hosting the Girls College Prep Development Program in Buffalo, NY. This elite program is geared toward AAA female players in the following birth years:

2005 – 2006 = ONLY 10 PLAYERS ACCEPTED
2007 – 2008 = ONLY 10 PLAYERS ACCEPTED

Goalies please contact us for special rates and options!
* very select 2009 birth year players accepted
VERY LIMITED OPENINGS / $399 per accepted player

Saturday May 7, 2022       5:00pm – 6:30pm / Holiday Twin Rinks
Saturday May 14, 2022      5:00pm – 6:30pm / Location TBD
Saturday May 21, 2022      5:00pm – 6:30pm / Location TBD
Saturday May 28, 2022      5:30pm – 7:00pm / Holiday Twin Rinks
Saturday June 4, 2022       5:00pm – 6:30pm / Holiday Twin Rinks
Saturday June 11, 2022      5:00pm – 6:30pm / Holiday Twin Rinks
Saturday June 18, 2022      5:00pm – 6:30pm / Location TBD
Saturday June 25, 2022      5:00pm – 6:30pm / Holiday Twin Rinks

All on-ice sessions are 1.5 hours in length and run by the area’s top development coaches.
NewEdge Hockey Development Academy provides “next level” training for elite players who have grown out of standard practices and into the need for specialized training with other players at their skill level. We train players for today’s speed and skill game!

Can you skate the game?
Do you have elite-level INDIVIDUAL skills?
Can you Compete? 
What do you (specifically) need to work on?

* Performance Skating & Edge Efficiency
* Advanced Puck Management & Protection
* Effective Passing & Receiving / Developing & Refining Touch
* Evasive Tactics & Deceptiion
* Compete & Battle Tactics / Develop – Improve Compete Confidence
* Shooting & Scoring Tactics
* Position Specific Training
* Situational Defending
* Game Play 
 * and much more