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media140 #ozpolitics Old Parliament House 29th July


Will you be at media140 Canberra on the 29th July?
A one day conference to explore how real time social media (Twitter, Facebook and blogging) is transforming Australian politics in an election year.

Through keynotes, open discussions and case studies media140 will host this very unique event in the political heart of Canberra inside Old Parliament House, with an excellent line up of speakers including:

. Jeffrey Bleich US Ambassador to Australia
. Federal Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey (joehockey)
. Deputy Leader, Australian Greens
Senator Christine Milne (senatormilne)
. Labour Senator Kate Lundy (katelundy)
. ABC Radio Chief Political Correspondent Lyndal Curtis (lyndalcurtis)
. SBS Chief Political Correspondent Karen Middleton (karenmmiddleton)
. The Age’s Political Correspondent, Peter Martin (1petermartin)
Also featuring case studies from the USA and UK elections with US Ambassador to Australia, Jeffrey Bleich, co-chairman of Mr Obama’s presidential campaign and Claire Wardle from the BBC School of Journalism looking at the recent UK Election.

Tickets: $320 inclusive of refreshments, lunch and networking party
Date: 29th July, 8am – 6pm
Venue: Old Parliament House ,Canberra
Register – http//media140.com/ozpolitics