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Lions Tuggeranong Homestead Market 8th Birthday


The Tuggeranong Homestead Market’s 8th Birthday plus Mother’s Day.

The Canberra-Lake Tuggeranong Lions Club invite the community come along to the historic Tuggeranong Homestead and help us celebrate Mothers Day & our market’s 8th birthday on Sunday 10th May 2009 from 9 am to 2 pm

All mums will receive a flower and chocolates on entry and everyone can enjoy the stalls, BBQ, live music, historic engine display and more at the beautiful homestead site, located on Johnson Drive opposite the Calwell shops.

Come on kids, test mum’s skills at:

Sack races;
Three legged race;
Egg spoon race;
Apple Bobbing;
Paper Aeroplane making and flying;
Gumboot throwing; and

The Treasure Hunt between 11am and noon

The Minders of Tuggeranong Homestead are presenting the Colours Choir from Sing Australia, singing some of ‘Australia’s Favourite Songs’ at 11 am

Entry is by GOLD COIN Donation (used for Lions club projects)

A portion of the funds raised at this market will be donated to Pegasus – Riding for the disabled, which is a major focus for the club this year. This amount will be added to the funds raised at the Annual Lake Tuggeranong Lions Club Auction Dinner Dance, to be held at the Erindale Vikings Club, on August 29th 2009.

For more information please contact Heath on 0400 190 622.