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Learn how to tap in to your Guardian Angels

A weekend retreat with Doreen Virtue

Everyone needs a Guardian Angel!

Doreen Virtue is known around the world for her work with angels, and in particular for her beautiful packs of Angel Cards.

For the first time ever, Doreen Virtue will demonstrate how to give accurate card readings using her brand new card deck, Archangel Michael Oracle Cards at a special weekend workshop on the magnificent Sunshine Coast!

This retreat runs over 3 magical days and includes a recently announced musical event… a live 2-hour concert featuring Doreen Virtue herself performing with her band, Obsidian.

The Angel Intuitive workshop is open to all those who are interested in learning more about the angelic realm, particularly those who have an interest in communicating with their angels.

This course is open to beginners and anybody new to the world of angels. Those who have already completed an Angel Intuitive course will also be able to gain valuable insight and wisdom in order to progress on their journey with the angels.

For the past five years, Doreen’s Angel Intuitive Course has completely sold out and to date there are few spaces left.

Visit www.hayhouse.com.au to find out more. But hurry!