Home High School Help Fund Voluntary Work In Uganda 2011

Help Fund Voluntary Work In Uganda 2011


Student Partnerships Worldwide

Hello, my name is Elise Wilson and I have recently been accepted by Student Partnerships Worldwide (SPW) to participate in the Uganda 7 month Youth Empowerment Programme, commencing in January 2011, and am seeking your support.

SPW is a non-for-profit, non- government organisation (NGO) that works with and for young people in Africa and Asia. SPWs mission is to enable young volunteers to empower rural youth to take control of their own lives and to act towards shaping their community. For more information check out the website http://www.spw.org.au

As a volunteer I will be working as a peer-educator assisting in the delivery of vital health, environmental and community education which will directly reach local rural communities. I will live and work in a local community with local volunteers to provide formal and non-formal timetabled lessons in primary and secondary schools, extra-curricula activities (drama, arts health for example) and community event days.

For me to participate in the Youth Empowerment Programme Uganda I need to raise $10,000. Through fundraising and sponsorship I hope to achieve this.

I will be selling chocolates within a few weeks and holding an auction later in the year. I am also seeking sponsorship and donations to assist in reaching my $10,000 goal.

How can you help? Through monetary and material donations.

Contact me anytime via phone or email for more information

(e) [email protected]

(m) 0402 903 081

Thanks for your support! Elise