Home High School From Little Things BIG things grow fundraiser to support National Premmie Day

From Little Things BIG things grow fundraiser to support National Premmie Day

Childrens Rose

Little Things
National Premmie Day
July 25th 2008

The National Premmie Foundation is proud to offer the From Little Things Big Things Grow Fundraiser.
Simply purchase a Children’s Rose for $15 plus postage and you will be supporting this volunteer charity to provide ongoing free services and information to all families
who have been touched by these special infants.

Order a rose between April and June for delivery in July 2008 by

• calling 1300 PREMBABY 1300 773 622
• online at www.prembaby.org.au
• mail order to Box 2681 Bendigo DC VIC 3554

The National Premmie Foundation provides care, information and support to families of
Australia’s smallest and most vulnerable newborns.

Each year 40,000 newborns are admitted to Special and Intensive Care Nurseries across Australia and you can be their voice this year.
July 25th, 2008 is the day to celebrate our premature or seriously ill infants as well as those special babies who did not survive their journey.

Support and information for families, carers and health professionals is available at www.prembaby.org.au or by calling 1300 PREMBABY 1300 773 622.

Reporter enquiries are welcome –
please contact Amanda Lonergan on 0407 522 877 or [email protected]
Photographs of the Children’s Rose and premature infants are available.