Home Youth Emptiness is sometimes hard to keep!

Emptiness is sometimes hard to keep!

Roseline Deleu - Feng Shui Master & Author

By Roseline Deleu – Feng Shui Master & Author www.fengshuisteps.com

Creating a vacuum offers you the opportunity to welcome something new into your life. We have to keep in mind that the important procedure of de-cluttering is the key number 1 in Feng Shui. The process of emptying cupboards of non-used items, discarding stagnant items in the ever shrinking garage space and clearing out our old fashioned clothes, allows us to look at life differently.

Since I migrated to Australia 10 years ago, the Universe encouraged me to move house 16 times! The various locations and sites have helped me to learn so much about Feng Shui. I have hardly any item that belonged to the time when we arrived in our new country. With the various moves, clothes, bedding and furniture have changed as we were evolving in life… the pictures that we display around the house have been replaced by new ones. My Feng Shui passion has evolved tremendously and become amazingly powerful.

Update for Harmony

It is essential to update displayed photographs with the most recent ones – having pictures of young children in their teenager bedroom could bring challenges in your family life as they could sometimes act like ‘babies’ or… you could still consider them as younger than they truly are, if you wish, you can keep the frames that you already have and simply insert your latest printouts.

Dispose for Health

Go through your pharmacy and discard all the out-of-date medication. Dispose of the never-to-be-used samples of soap and creams. Keep your side of the vanity as bare as possible and colour-coordinate your soap, shampoo and towels.

Empty for Love – IF YOU ARE SINGLE

In your master bedroom, make sure that you have two similar bedside tables. To welcome a potential partner in your life, empty the second bedside table, ensure they are located symmetrically on each side of the bed and the bed itself has equal space on each side allowing equal opportunities for both partners.

In your wardrobe, empty one shelf and keep a few empty coat hangers in your hanging space.

In your bathroom or en-suite: keep one vanity draw empty and display your personal items on one side of the basin only, freeing some space for someone special.

Going back to basics, we realise that we do not need much to live and be happy. It is better to own and tastefully display one or two beautiful pieces of art (sculptures or paintings) with a unique lighting that will make you feel special every day.


For the 7th year, Roseline Deleu is hosting the Annual Australian FENG SHUI Conference on Sunday 12 Oct 08 – Visit www.fengshuisteps.com for full details