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Crunch Participating In Annual Movember Campaign


SYRACUSE, N.Y. – The Syracuse Crunch are participating in their annual Movember campaign throughout the month of November to raise funds for prostate cancer research at Upstate University Hospital and spread awareness of the disease.

Throughout November, also known as Movember, Syracuse Crunch players will grow mustaches and beards to fundraise and raise awareness for men’s prostate health.

The Crunch will collect $20 donations online, at the office and at games to benefit the Prostate Cancer Care and Research Fund at Upstate. All fans who donate will be entered into a raffle where three lucky winners and their guests will win a lunch with three players and help shave their beards and mustaches at the end of Movember on Thursday, Nov. 30 at the War Memorial Arena. Donations will be accepted through Sunday, Nov. 26.

During warm ups at the Movember game presented by Upstate University Hospital on Friday, Nov. 24, three players will wear different color jerseys. These three players, of 20 on the ice, will represent the approximately one in seven men who are affected by prostate cancer. The jerseys will then be auctioned off with all proceeds benefiting the Prostate Cancer Care and Research Fund at Upstate. The first 2,500 who enter the War Memorial Arena that night will also receive a fake mustache.

Fans may purchase $18 tickets for the Nov. 24 game at the Crunch office located inside the War Memorial Arena or over the phone at 315-473-4444 using code word “MOVEMBER.” Fans with mustaches may also purchase discounted tickets at the box office on the night of the game. Two dollars from each of these tickets will benefit the Prostate Cancer Care and Research Fund at Upstate.

Proper management of prostate cancer requires more than the ability to perform an operation. It involves making informed judgments about a complex disease process—from diagnosis to performing active treatment in those who may be considered high-risk. Most importantly, it also includes avoiding unnecessary treatment.

Upstate’s Prostate Cancer Team understands this—and so much more. They understand that having highly trained specialists utilizing the latest technology provides patients with the most up-to-date treatment options. They understand the importance of collaboration. That’s why they work with the nation’s foremost public research institutions that include close partnerships with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI). And it’s why this team consists of professionals from a host of specialties—including urology, radiation oncology, medical oncology, pathology, surgery, radiology, social work, nursing and psychology—who coordinate care so each patient receives the care that’s right for him, delivered by experts in each applied field. Among Upstate’s Prostate experts are a group of outstanding, comprehensive, world class researchers studying molecular mechanisms and new treatments for prostate cancer.