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Climate Unchange


This is my response to the article in the SUN-HERALD titled "money is no object in battle to save planet" (sunday 30th august) .. and my overall feeling toward climate change ..

Climate change/global warming is about as credible as Y2K – and we all know how that ended – it’ll be the same with the climate change/global warming hoax, after a while, when nothing has "changed" or "warmed", the rudd government and climate change/global warming supporters alike will be put to shame and asked how they are going to re-compensate the people they have ripped off. and this argument that Australia should take a lead on the issue and set an example for the rest of the world is absolute bollocks – how about trying to catch up to the rest of the world first??? we are still paying for healthcare, education and internet, ad there are still thousands of people without a place to sleep – Money being spent on climate change/global warming would be better spent on healthcare and education, and helping those who are homeless and/or disadvantaged – do you know in Sweden, they get free healthcare and education!!!?? thats right, anything from cold and flu tablets right through to major surgery, learning french to becoming a doctor – you need it, you got it. it is very successful, and people "actually" benefit as a result. It works there, so it can work here too – if Mr Rudd put this into action, helping every single Australian in the process, Australia would again be able to call itself the "lucky country", but until then, and until climate change/global warming is forgotten, I’m not sure so sure we are.

If we don’t wakeup and drop the climate change/global warming thing now, we, as a nation, are going to look mighty stupid in a few years time.

However, I feel amazingly confident that the ocean will stay exactly where it has been for the last few thousand years, and that the temperatures will only change according to the seasons.

Have a nice day.