Home High School Chinese Australian Forum Welcomes Overhaul of the Australian Citizenship Test.

Chinese Australian Forum Welcomes Overhaul of the Australian Citizenship Test.


The Chinese Australian Froum (CAF) welcomes the Federal Government’s plan to overhaul the Australian Citizenship Test.

A review commitee of seven eminent Austalians, chaired by former Australian diplomat Richard Woolcott found that there was room for improvement in the current test.

CAF President Tony Pang said that is is refreshing to see a Government that is willing to listen to community sentiments.

Our organsiation put forward a submission paper on this issue, the essential being that the old test really wasn’t fair across the board to all new migrants.

"In the context of a citizenship test, the Government needs to be reasonable; what we don’t need is a test that some have classified as discriminatory, a test that some people found intimidating."

"Many migrants wish to move here to start anew; they see Asutralian as a young and progressive nation, a place where they will be given a fair go."

Mr Pang said that recent events such as the Cronulla Riots show that community harmony should not be taken for granted.

"Tests can be discriminatory by nature, which leads to disenfranchisement."

"It is our hope that this new test is based on what kind of Australian citizen you will be, rather than how much general or sporting knowledge of Australian you have memorised"

"The CAF felt that the old test didn’t typify the kind of Australian we know, the onus is now on the Federal Governement to get it right this time around."

The CAF was formed in 1985 in response to worsening race relations in Austalia at that time. To this day, the CAF remians a voice for the Chinese community in Australia.


Media Enquiries: Tony Pang  0414 512 027