Home Coaching News Buffalo, NY’s Bryndle Analytic Matrix Is Ready

Buffalo, NY’s Bryndle Analytic Matrix Is Ready


Bryndle’s Win Now Hockey Analytic Matrix from Pattys Global World LLC Is Now NHL Playoff Ready

SAFETY HARBOR, Fla. — A great line from Money Ball was “the first one through the wall always gets bloody.” It comes to mind with Bryndle’s Win Now Analytic Matrix for the NHL. Dan Bryndle, the author of “A Fly on the Wall in the NHL,” has loved hockey since he was a kid in Tonawanda, NY, a Buffalo suburb.

Dan first introduced his early Matrix to the Buffalo Sabres in 2001, against the Flyers in the Stanley Cup playoffs. The Sabres won the last game 8-0 and the Series. During the regular season the Flyers scored 16 goals to the Sabres 4 goals. The Flyers’ goalie was one of the league’s best, Roman Cechmanek. This was a stunning defeat that the Flyers organization has yet to fully recover from it seems.

In 2014 Dan introduced a custom version of his Analytic Matrix to the Minnesota Wild in their Stanley Cup Series with Chicago, after two high scoring losses. The Wild turned the tables and beat Chicago in the next two games 8-1 in goals scored. The Wild in 2017 season defeated the first place Saint Louis Blues, when Dan again gave them the full game analytic approach. The Blues experienced a quick first series exit after a league leading season. With YouTube these series can be viewed still today. Understanding there was an analytic matrix at work may change the way you see the game.

The Four Pillar Matrix has been twenty years in the making. Properly executed, the combined probability of winning can become 93%. The Four Pillar Analytic Matrix consists of two natural laws, probability stacking and controlling and influencing momentum, and player safety. Teams can expect confidentiality and online support and as well as on site training. Dan says that any NHL team that employs the Matrix in the Playoffs will will have their highest probability of winning. He also says that any team in the playoff hunt can reach them with this approach. NHL teams generally have parity in both talent and coaching. This Matrix will support that, and can be effectively introduced to any team in 48 hours from its introduction.