Home High School An inequality you can help end tomorrow

An inequality you can help end tomorrow


Dear John,

Last year a GetUp nationwide poll made politicians and pundits sit up and
take notice – over 70% of Australians want same s-x* couples to have the same
legal rights as de facto couples. A GetUp petition was launched to tell
politicians the time had come to remove this unfairness.

Finally, after more than a year of intense lobbying, the Senate will
debate laws tomorrow that remove this outdated discrimination.

The latest word from Canberra is that some politicians who want to keep this
discrimination will stall the bill once again with amendments. That’s why
we’ll be walking the halls of Parliament with this petition in
to convince our pollies to get the job done.

Add your name to the petition we’ll be carrying to make it too large
to ignore.


Those politicians who want to keep the discrimination, or water it down with
amendments meaning same s-x couples will not be entirely equal before the law,
need to know the community demands an immediate end to this unfairness. This
petition will send that message – that now is the time to write this
discrimination out of our laws

When the weight of public opinion is effectively expressed, politicians will
follow. That’s why we’ve been busy behind the scenes on this issue, liaising
with key decision makers, writing letters to every MP and Senator and visiting
politicians face-to-face to take your concerns directly to Canberra. Now
it’s time for our final push

We need every last signature to convince the lingering doubters that no
excuses remain for not wiping this discrimination off the books. Will
you help add to the final figure we present to politicians before they vote?
Your signature could be the difference:


We know there is majority support for equal rights extending across every
demographic, across every region, across every political party in the nation.
Tell the politicians it’s time they caught up to the people that voted them

Tomorrow, with
your help
, we can travel further down the path to greater

Thanks for being a part of this,
The GetUp team

PS – Join over 70% of Australians, and every State and Territory, in
supporting an end to discrimination against same s-x couples. Click
to help ensure Australians aren’t treated like second-class
citizens purely on the basis of their s-xual orientation.

* Please note – the “e” in this word has been removed to avoid spam email


GetUp is an independent,
not-for-profit community campaigning group. We use new technology to empower
Australians to have their say on important national issues. We receive no
political party or government funding, and every campaign we run is entirely
supported by voluntary donations. If you’d like to contribute to help fund
GetUp’s work
, please donate now! If
you have trouble with any links in this email, please go directly to www.getup.org.au. To
unsubscribe from GetUp, please click

Authorised by Simon Sheikh,
Level 2, 294 Pitt St, Sydney NSW 2000