Home Youth A fresh approach to Wellness for Hazardgirl: a girl with attitude!

A fresh approach to Wellness for Hazardgirl: a girl with attitude!

Hazardgirl: a girl with attitude!

Hi my name’s Hazardgirl: a girl with attitude! I was born with Cerebral Palsy and attitude – or determination – is what gets me through my life challenges. I’ve now heard of a great new Initiative here in Canberra, a whole ‘fresh approach to Wellness’ that could really help me. It’s called the Linking-Hands Wellness Initiative and it offers sponsored 12 month programs of remedial spa therapies, nutritional supplementation and life coaching for only $8,000, almost half the retail price! Now I am fundraising and my wonderful friends in the music industry are organizing a gig for me. I’m sooo excited!! I’ll use The Word to keep you posted on our progress and let you know when/where it will be. Meanwhile, if you would like to find out more and ‘link hands’ with me as I start my exciting journey to better health, please visit www.linking-hands.org, or www.myspace.com/hazardgirlmusic.