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Zeitgeist: Moving Forward, Canberra Screening.


In 2008, an old man with a vision, meets a young man with a camera, that leads to a documentary, that has started a global movement for social and systemic change.


It has no head office, is not a political party, does not have any leaders, is not a centralised organisation, is not associated with any groups, and had 500,000 people register in under 2 years!


The resulting “Zeitgeist Movement” is the activist arm of “The Venus Project“, an organisation started decades ago by Jacque Fresco, an industrial designer and social engineer.


The Zeitgeist documentaries are the most watched Internet documentaries in history with over 150,000,000 viewings on-line alone, not including public screenings around the world and handing out of DVDs. (All done by self motivated volunteers with a desire to make the world a better place).


Zeitgeist, a German word, literally translates as “time-spirit”, or more broadly stated as ‘the general cultural, intellectual, artistic, spiritual and philosophical mood or tone of an era or time period.’


“War, poverty, corruption, hunger, misery, human suffering will not change in a monetary system. It’s going to take the redesign of our culture and values and it has to be related to the resources of the earth.” Jacque Fresco.


The previous documentary, Zeitgeist: Addendum, examined the foundational sources of how society works and the root causes of our broadest social problems. Unlike other ‘the-system-is-broken’ types of documentaries, Zeitgeist: Addendum introduced us to a solution that is based on environmental-alignment and the use of the scientific method applied to society – an approach that is constantly updated to present day knowledge.


The third documentary, Zeitgeist: Moving Forward, directed by Peter Joseph, is a feature length documentary work which will present a case for a needed transition out of the current failing socioeconomic monetary paradigm which governs the entire world society. The subject matter will transcend the issues of cultural relativism and traditional ideology and move to relate the core, empirical “life ground” attributes of human and social survival, extrapolating those immutable natural laws into a new sustainable social paradigm called a “Resource-Based Economy“.


“A society without a vision of what the future can be, is bound to repeat past errors over and over again.” Peter Joseph, Director, producer, writer, cinematographer, composer, editor and narrator.


About the film.
Screening in Canberra on Sunday 13th March (the global Zeitgeist Day), the 3rd documentary, Zeitgeist: Moving Forward, was recently released worldwide in more than 60 countries and over 20 languages.


ZMF features experts in the fields of public health, anthropology, neurobiology, economics, energy, technology, social science and other relevant subjects which relate to social operation and culture. The three central themes of the work are Human Behaviour, Monetary Economics, and Applied Science. Put together the work creates a model of understanding the current social paradigm; why it is critical to move out of it – coupled with a new, radical, yet practical social approach based on advanced understandings which would resolve the current social woes facing the world today.


One of the unique attributes of this work, which separates it in style from most documentaries, is that it has a parallel dramatic/cinematic theme, with notable actors, which abstractly plays out various gestures related to the overall message of the film. The work also vigorously employs numerous 2d and 3d visual abstracts/animations, while returning to the standard, traditional documentary orientation as the foundation.


“Economists today are, in fact, not economists at all. They are propagandists of money value. This system is more wasteful than every other system in the history of the planet. So you are really dealing with not an economic system but I would go so far as to say an anti-economic system.” Dr. John McMurty, author: “The Cancer Stage of Capitalism”


Canberra Screening Details:
Where: Lecture theatre 6, Manning Clarke Centre, ANU*
When: Sunday 13th March
Time: 12:00 noon to 5:00 pm.
Tickets: $10 concession $15 adult. (Includes a copy of the film). Pay at the door.
Contact: Grant Robb, 0422 957 422
* Not ANU sponsored. Just a great venue.