Home High School OCRF purchases new equipment to hasten discovery of an early ovarian cancer...

OCRF purchases new equipment to hasten discovery of an early ovarian cancer detection test


The Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation (OCRF) has provided major capital investment for the establishment of a new mass spectrometry (UltrafleXtreme MALDI TOF/TOF (from Bruker Daltonics) Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer) suite at the Prince Henry’s Institute (PHI).

In Australia, one woman dies of ovarian cancer every ten hours. This disease affects women – mothers, sisters, daughters – of all ages and has a higher mortality rate amongst women diagnosed than those diagnosed with breast cancer.

With the support of the community and our key sponsors including Gold Buyers – the financial contribution has assisted in funding this core piece of equipment vital in the research towards research into an early detection program for ovarian cancer.

While awareness of the disease has increased amongst Australians, four in nine women still believe that a pap smear will detect ovarian cancer. Unfortunately the reality is there is no simple early detection test. Ovarian cancer remains a silent killer, with two thirds of women diagnosed in the advanced stage of the disease; with 77% of these NOT surviving beyond 5 years.

“As there is currently not an early detection program for ovarian cancer, Gold Buyers hopes to raise awareness of this disease across our 130 plus stores nationally and is delighted to help advance cancer research through the support of this vital equipment,” says Mrs Wendy Stewart, Director of Gold Buyers.

This new equipment contains the latest in mass spectrometry technologies – a technique for the very high resolution analysis and identification of proteins, and of key importance in the identification and development of very low
abundance markers of early stage ovarian cancer. The equipment has already led to the identification of a number of proteins that have previously eluded analysis and will accelerate the research.

Can you imagine life without someone you love? Neither can we.
Help us to find an early detection test to save lives.
Donate at www.ocrf.com.au

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