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Ready, set, go…Reading for a Reason in 2008 – are YOU ready?!

MS Readathon 2008

MS Readathon June 1 – June 30

MS Australia is encouraging children to have fun reading to change the lives of Australians living with multiple sclerosis (MS) by taking part in the annual MS Readathon.

Each working day five people are diagnosed with MS, a disease that affects the body’s central nervous system producing symptoms such as blurred vision, loss of balance, pins and needles and speech difficulties. With no known cause or cure for MS, this annual event has become one of the largest fundraisers for MS Australia.

Each year the MS Readathon inspires children to help people living with MS by collecting sponsorship from family and friends for the books they read in the month of June. All participants who complete receive a Certificate and reading rewards.

Children are encouraged to race to register either via the MS Readathon website or a registration form from their local school or library. For more information, visit www.msreadathon.org.au or call the State/Territory office on 1300 677 323.

A huge thank you to all the individuals and organisations that have extended their support for the 2008 MS Readathon and its official launch in the ACT. We look forward to the continuing support of the local communities, teachers, friends and family members who will get behind an ACT student and sponsor them during the month of June to help to improve the quality of life for people living with MS and their families.

Thank you to all the wonderful Volunteers and Community Representatives who have extended their help in the program this year and are now preparing to motivate all our wonderful participants to Read for a Reason in 2008. They will be seen in your classrooms, assemblies and libraries across the ACT and its surrounding areas.

With the launch of the 2008 MS Readathon in ACT, the stars are ready to bright once again. Here is what some of our stars from 2007 have to say –

– Teagan Louise Norman from Wagga Wagga raised $1,130 and read 22 books in last year’s MS Readathon and she has already registered for 2008. Teagan says, "I did the MS Readathon because I want to help find a cure for people with MS like my mum and others around Australia. I also like reading so much I thought this was a good idea to show how much I like reading and raise some money for people living with MS. I am lucky to have a mum who even though she has MS tries to do the best she can to stay strong. I want to help other children whose mum or dad are less fortunate than my mum and are in a wheelchair."

– 2007 ACT Top Fundraiser, Cameron Cox raised $ 10,000 and read 32 books in last year’s MS Readathon and has already registered for 2008. Cameron says, “I like to help people and I like to read and doing the MS Readathon I get to do both. I also try to raise more money than I raised the year before, that is my goal this year." In support of the MS Readathon & its team, Cameron’s mum Dianne Cox adds, “I would like to thank all the people who work for the MS Readathon without you doing a lot of hard work the MS Readathon would not be a success it is. As a parent we get the enjoyable part of reading with our kids."

Thank you once again.

2007 was a fantastic year with the MS Readathon being able to help raise awareness and sponsorship for the 18,000 Australians living with multiple sclerosis, thanks to the hard work of community-minded children, parents and schools in ACT and its surrounding areas.

The challenge is set for 2008! The game’s afoot for 2008! Start preparing for an even bigger and better MS Readathon. We look forward to even greater participation to make an even bigger difference by Reading for a Reason in 2008 – are YOU ready?!