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Burra Open Gardens 2010


Scene from one of the beautiful country gardens on show

If you haven’t yet been to the Burra Open Gardens, then it’s high time you did. For the 13th time, on Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th November, a number of stunning country gardens will be open to the public in the beautiful Burra Valley adjoining the spectacular Tinderry Mountains. The event is organized by the Lions Club of Queanbeyan, with funds raised being used for local community projects and those in need.
For just $20pp (with pensioner discounts available) visitors can enjoy six magnificent country gardens, plus other entertainments. For the kids, there will be Agility Dog demonstrations on both days in the Woowoolahra garden which will also run a café. On Saturday afternoon at 2pm, the Highland Harmonies choir will sing in the garden at Nankeen. Another regular favourite is the Tijara iris garden. Here you can choose from many beautiful iris varieties available for purchase, many of them bred at Tijara and available for viewing in the garden. At Glenbog Nursery visitors can purchase plants, preserves and specialty teas while taking in the panoramic views over the valley. In the Tinderry foothills at Felix, a range of unusual, old-fashioned jams and preserves will be for sale, including medlar, quince and other varieties. At Taraby Farm visitors can relax in the informal garden and see first-hand what can be achieved in difficult conditions. All gardens will only be open between the hours of 10:00 am and 5:00pm.
The delightful Romanesque-style St Paul’s Anglican Church will also welcome visitors over the weekend, and there will be a range of University of Canberra students’ work on display.
Refreshments will be available for purchase at several venues, including the Burra Community Hall.
For more information on specific gardens and activities, program brochures and a locality map can be downloaded from the Burra Community website at www.burra.org.au