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August 2010 Predictions


Predictions for August 2010
2010 – Year of TRUTH and INTEGRITY

Predictions for AUGUST 2010 by Roseline Deleu

LIFE PATH – Watch for those who put money first. What would life be without Love?!
Observe the thoughts of greed for money and of lack of love you encounter this month. How do these affect you in your life today? Like an alchemist, transform and transmute pain or frustration into feelings of Love and Compassion.

LOVE – Do you need reassurance and support? Every relationship is a lesson. This month, remember the good moments you had in each of them. Be in gratitude for those who crossed your path and for the lessons that ‘shaped’ you in the beautiful and strong being you are today.

FAMILY, HEALTH – Sorrow of others – be there to listen but don’t suffer for them!
Grudge, guilt and resentment are theirs. Why would you put their emotions into your backpack of life? It would be too heavy to carry and would prevent you to move forward today.

WEALTH & MONEY – Sing to manifest money! That’s unusual!
I am NOT asking you to beg for money singing in the streets ? I am simply suggesting that when you feel the need for additional money, sing with your heart and joy! The vibration of your voice, the joy from your heart combined with your intent to welcome wealth will attract abundance very fast.

YOU – Your level of good vibration is so high this month that you are touching many.
Be the Joy. Be the Fun we all seek. Be light, smile and inspire others. Yes, you can!

HELP, HELPERS, TRAVELS – Why do you want to do everything all by yourself?
Are you self-sabotaging? Some precious people are there to help you, allow them to give their time, their wisdom, their friendship. That’s one way of allowing them to have a place in your heart and in your life path.

CHILDREN & CREATIONS – Let children play (safely) with what is in your kitchen cupboard: with plastic containers, wooden spoons, pots, etc. Sit on the floor with them and play too. Cook with them and prepare a ‘special’ dish celebrating the present moment. Life is wonderful, each second is precious. children know – do you?

STUDY, OPENNESS – Stand bare feet in the grass; connect with the energy of the Earth, through your feet, go deep till you reach the lava inside our planet; feel its warmth; then align your spine and through your crown chakra see a white beam of light connecting your body with heaven. Let the Energy flow through you and cleanse you gently. After one minute, gently and respectfully cut these energy links. Envisage Tai Chi classes or follow Archery lessons. Feel your balance, feel your centre.

SELF CONFIDENCE – Play music! Sing! Sing in the shower, sing in the car, sing in the streets.
Singing can free you. Singing can help you jumping the barriers that you created and that have no more reason to be in your life today.

Disclaimer: These predictions are for FYI=For Your own Improvement only.
Take responsibility for your actions 🙂