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Get out of Jail Free Card for ACT Government


THE Conservation Council has likened the State of the Environment Report, released yesterday, to a Get out of Jail Free card for the Government on climate change. The Report recognises the need for significant action but fails to make recommendations that will substantially reduce Canberra’s emissions, instead simply recommending that the overly timid Weathering the Change climate strategy be implemented.

Real action from our political leaders is needed now on climate change. Stationary energy, such as electricity, is responsible for over 70% of the ACT’s greenhouse gas emissions. Mandated targets could reduce wasted energy and lower these emissions", said

Genevieve Wauchope, Council Climate Campaigner. "Our record in greatly reducing our water consumption demonstrates that Canberrans will respond positively to Government expectations, legislative requirements and mandated targets. Climate change is a crisis just as the drought has been, and we need strong leadership to achieve the reductions required."

The Conservation Council recently convened a roundtable of experts to identify solutions to Canberra’s growing emissions. We strongly urge the Government to implement the recommendations from that roundtable – Achieving Better Energy Efficiency in the


"These cover such things as mandatory best practice energy efficiency for all buildings, phasing out electric hot water systems, and assistance for low income earners," said Ms Wauchope.

"Better energy efficiency in dwellings lowers the ongoing costs of maintaining a live-able, comfortable home by reducing the need for excess energy consumption. This is increasingly important as the cost of electricity and fuel increase. A new energy rating tool must be implemented and audited to save Canberrans money and emissions. Matching the requirements of new home owners, the commercial building industry must be required to meet a mandatory energy efficiency requirement of 5 star Australian Building Greenhouse Rating (ABGR). The ACT Government can lead the way by requiring the offices it tenants meet the 5 star ABGR" said Ms Wauchope.

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