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Can you please help to save our ACT kangaroos by signing WCG – Wildlife Carers Group Inc. 2 petitions

Wildlife Carers Group copyright site map of Kangaroo Park/Wildlife Sanctuary Proposal for BNTS site

We have succeeded in getting the stanhope government to back down for now, with some of the newly erected fences finally dismantled, although, on 25/4/08, upon inspecting the site, it appeared as though other fences have been erected, once again depriving some of our roos from water, and fresher feed, with only 28 kangaroos counted.

To secure the proposed Kangaroo Park and Wildlife Sanctuary, on the BNTS (Belconnen Naval Transmission Station) site by WCG – Wildlife Carers Group Inc., please keep signing our petition by Clicking on http://gopetition.com/petitions/save-all-the-kangaroos.html to sign our petition individually, to save ALL our kangaroos PLEASE, and send it onto your family, friends, co workers, mailing list, etc. please post it onto your websites.

Some of the local, national and international Media releases relating to this issue are: 13 May 2007, http://canberra.yourguide.com.au/news/local/general/plan-for-three-days-of-death/584324.html, 14 May 2007, http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/05/14/world/main2799551.shtml?source=RSSattr=HOME_2799551, 20 May 2007, http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200705/s1927723.htm, http://www.spa.gov.sa/English/details.php?id=452929, http://news.monstersandcritics.com/asiapacific/news/printer_1309191.php, 25 May 2007, http://www.abcscience.net.au/news/stories/2008/03/07/2182771.htm, 7 March 2008.

Nora Preston, (began rehabilitating wildlife in the early 1980’s) Founder/President of WCG – Wildlife Carers Group, has submitted the copyright Kangaroo Park/Wildlife Sanctuary Proposal to Defence and the Local/Federal Government, to include:

  • Existing enclosure and kangaroos remain untouched.
  •  Largest Wildlife Hospital with public viewing to surgery
  •  Educational Facility
  •  Rehabilitation Facility
  •  Cafes
  •  Viewing Platforms
  • Extra enclosures for rehabilitating sick, injured, orphaned, native Eastern Grey Kangaroos, plus for other native wildlife.

Kangaroo Park/Wildlife Sanctuary Map of BNTS site, drawn up by committee member Katy Barr.

Please also sign WCG’s 2nd Petition www.gopetition.com/petitions/reinstate-our-act-kangaroos.html, media release relating to this is  www.kangaroo-protection-coalition.com/kangaroo-archives25.html, 23 April 2007. to reinstate our ACT native Eastern Grey Kangaroos onto the ACT Wildlife Rehabilitation Licence for full term rehabilitation of sick, injured, orphaned native Eastern Grey Kangaroos, noting the fact that the ACT is the only state in Australia, that does not allow the full term rehabilitation of our sick, injured, orphaned Native Eastern Grey Kangaroos, which are acts of animal cruelty. PLEASE HELP SPREAD THE WORD.

Research has been cruel, with Bromocriptine fertility research, which is an oral administration, suppressing the milk from the joey, slowly starving it to death, page 64/65 in Report 3, or cruelly ripping the joey from it’s mothers pouch, causing hemorrhaging and death. 1996 ACT Kangaroo Advisory Council 3 Reports are on www.tams.act.gov.au/live/environment/local_wildlife/kangaroo_information/actkangarooadvisorycommitteereports

These are all acts of cruelty, therefore in breach of the animal welfare act, and will have to stop.

This report will show how out of date the current advisory council is, working off a report, reported in August 1996, however, Report 1, page 5/6, that was stating a report in late 1994, also recommended that the culling must stop, because they were over culling our native kangaroos, and yet, the wildlife rehabilitation licence was never updated to include full term rehabilitation of sick, injured, orphaned native Eastern Grey Kangaroos.

Report 2, page 5, first paragraph, then contradicts Report 1, claiming that this licence specifically excludes Eastern Grey Kangaroos because of their abundance in the ACT, which is describing the Rehabilitation licence.

Relocation has proven to be devastating, stressful and cruel to the kangaroos by separating them from their families, which means the incorrect mobs will be relocated together, that will cause shock/death, and is really just a profiteering exercise for whoever engages in this activity.

The Kangaroo Park and Wildlife Sanctuary Proposal will prove to be the most humane option to take, over the option to unnecessarily relocate.

The population is small at the BNTS site, May last year, we counted under 100 kangaroos, 25 April 2008, we counted approx. 28.

The government has shown in media releases that they really don’t know what the kangaroo population is, ranging from 32 million in March/April media releases, to Maxine Cooper, Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment, 15 million, and Jon Stanhope, Chief Minister for the ACT Government, 22? or 24? million, couldn’t agree to what the Australia wide kangaroo population is.

We have the same devastation now to what we had in 1994, over culling, grossly over exaggerating the kangaroo population by the commercial roo industry, farmers, advisory panels, etc.

It is time to put an end to the senseless, cruel, unnecessary kangaroo killings/relocation, avoiding acts of animal cruelty.

The immediate reinstatement for full term rehabilitation of sick, injured, orphaned Eastern Grey Kangaroos on the ACT Wildlife Rehabilitation Licence.

As far as the Kaleen residents are concerned, they bought their properties near the BNTS site because there was no housing there, and were close to the kangaroos, giving them a high property valuation, taking that away from them, with now putting a housing development in place, will drastically reduce the value of their properties.

The hessians were never removed, and are spooking the kangaroos as they wildly flap around in the wind, causing undue stress and disorientation.

The newly erected fences must be immediately dismantled, to allow the families to regroup again.

SAVING AND CARING FOR OUR ENVIRONMENT, CONSERVATION, AND ALL OUR NATIVE WILDLIFE. More information on www.geocities.com/wildlife_carers_group/.  Click on the news panel for news on our native Eastern Grey Kangaroos on the defence sites, the rehabilitation licence, and animal welfare issues.

NORA PRESTON (began rehabilitating wildlife in the early ’80’s.)
PO Box 3509

Mob: 0406 056 099
email: [email protected] 

www.geocities.com/wildlife_carers_group/, www.myspace.com/wcginc  Check out www.myspace.com/wcginc and become a friend.

28 April 2008

Support WCG. WCG is an independent, non profit, non government community based charity providing animal/wildlife care, rescue/rehabilitation and is also an animal/wildlife welfare group, providing protection for our wildlife/animals, run solely by volunteers, with no government funding. WCG relies on donations from the public in order to carry out its work. If you would like to make a donation to WCG, please send a cheque/money order made payable to Wildlife Carers Group Inc. to PO Box 3509, Weston Creek. ACT. 2611. AUSTRALIA. or contact us by email [email protected] or mobile: 0406 056 099 to discuss other alternatives.

Thank you for all your support.

Aims and Objectives: To promote the general welfare and continued survival of native fauna and flora as an essential element of the environment, and specifically to undertake the specialised care necessary for the rehabilitation of orphaned, sick and injured native birds and other animals, to promote public awareness of the need to conserve existing wildlife species, and an understanding of their particular habitat and feeding requirements. Support WCG.

Become a WCG MEMBER, VOLUNTEER, WILDLIFE CARER, download the m/ship form from www.geocities.com/wildlife_carers_group/ and join up. Thank you for all your support.