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Monsters create drama!


Canberra Youth Theatre is enrolling now for two action packed school holiday drama workshops.

Who: 7-9 year olds           
What: MONSTER MAGIC is perfect for you if you want to create  your own monster. Play games and let your imagination fly as you develop characters and tell stories in a magical  monster world that you will create. There will be a short performance at the end of the week.
Where:  C Block Theatre, Gorman House, Braddon
When:   10am-3pm
 29 September- 3 October 2008
Cost:*      $230.00/child (member) $245.00/ child (non member)
 *Sibling/friend discount available
What to Bring:   Snacks, Lunch & a Drink Bottle (no access to shops)
What to Wear: Warm clothes you can Muck Up in.
Who: 10-12 year olds
What: This workshop will get you moving as you play games, create characters and explore the art of  storytelling using martial arts, body percussion and creative movement.
There will be a short performance at the end of the week.
Where:   C Block Theatre, Gorman House, Braddon
When:   10am-3pm
 7-10 October 2008
Cost:*   $185.00/child (member) $200.00/child (non member)
 *Sibling/friend discount available
What to Bring:Snacks, Lunch & a Drink Bottle (no access to shops)
What to Wear:   Warm clothes you can Muck Up in.
For enrolments or more information contact [email protected] or call 6248 5057 www.cytc.net