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Government Sponsors Community Recreation and Development Education


Few people in the general public know that the ACT Department of Education is very supportive when it comes to offering subsidised education to priority groups such as mature-age (over 40), people with a disability, indigenous, return to work ‘mums’, to name a few.  The Strategic Priorities Program (SPP) is designed to meet the skills needs of ACT citizens, business and industry and to contribute to employment, social inclusion and economic growth in the region.

The SPP also addresses the major objectives of the ACT Vocational Education and Training (VET) system to provide training to develop core job skills at all stages including entry level as well as to encourage individuals and enterprises to obtain nationally recognised training in areas such as business, community development, and recreation.

Many Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) apply for the funding in order to be able to offer the full or part qualification to the ACT community.  One of the successful organisations has been The WISE Academy.  Being granted 40 places to deliver Community Recreation and 10 places in Small Business Management in 2008, the funding has been helpful in starting up a new business as well as assisting local community organisations such as the YMCA of Canberra to gain and train staff.

Currently, The WISE Academy is offering 10 placements in the Certificate IV in Community Recreation with a focus on community development.  For only $450, participants in the course will learn how to attract more money towards their organisation, write winning grants, increase their networks, and develop innovative fundraisers and programs.  With more community organisations struggling to survive due to the changing economy and program funding cuts, the opportunity to gain training in learning more about the business of community recreation and development is timely.