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Free Fitness and Health Industry Career Information Forum


Student to Industry Program (SIP) is partnering with The Australian Institute of Fitness to produce an exciting array of career information and training options within the Health and Fitness industies for students, teachers and parents.

Multiple stall holders will be present on the night with giveaways and prizes drawn throughout the evening.

Two scholarships will be available for entering on the evening – one being a $3000 scholarship from the AIF and the other being $5500 scholarship for Certificate IV in Massage or Aromatherapy with Om Shanti College.

The event if open at 5.30pm and will run until 7.30pm at the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) on Freemantle Drive at Stirling.

If you have further inquiries, please contact The Student to Industry Program on 6205 8464 and speak to Trish, Paula or Katrina.