NYHOL New Look


    By Janet Schultz

    As New York Hockey Online E-Magazine enters its 12th season there will be a new logo.

    Designed by Damian Adams, a freshman at Ozark Technical and Community College, the logo reflects are commitment to covering all the ice hockey in New York State from Mites to the NHL and PHF. Damian is also the grandson of Randy and Janet Schultz.

    Our dedicated staff includes Randy Schultz, the founder of the Magazine as well as a nationally-recognized hockey writer; Janet Schultz, who will continue to follow the women’s ice hockey scene in New York and photograph as much of it as she can and Warren “Koz” Kozireski, who covers the collegiate scene.

    We encourage the hockey community to send us their stories, ideas of stories, photographs and any press releases they want to share. We will also help you advertise your events, tournaments and whatever else you need to promote. This magazine is for the New York hockey community including players, parents, coaches, fans, officials as well as the general public.

    So keep following us on Facebook Twitter and our website www.nyhockeyonline.com