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artfest 08 – start planning your spring trip to the coast for creative inspiration!

Escape Artfest 2008

With a major milestone on the horizon, a new theme, a new logo and an infectious energy, the annual Escape Artfest is now only six months away and the organisers are getting themselves ready for a bigger, better and brighter event than those in the past. Each year the range of things to see and do at the festival grows and 2008 is already promising to be an intense 3 weeks of arts action in the Milton Ulladulla area (NSW South Coast).

To celebrate and promote this growth, a new logo has been developed; expect to see the new Artfest “Face” infiltrating the district from 19th September to 12th October when the festival explodes into the Shoalhaven community.

Over the years this community based arts festival has bubbled away, each event increasing it’s scope and followers. Now, in it’s tenth year, the festival boasts a massive participation rate and involves more local organisations, people and businesses than any other event. The 24 day festival will include over 60 individual events, across well over 40 venues, includes close to 800 local participants and many from out of the area. This does not include the delighted audiences at the various exhibitions, performances, readings, films and other art related offerings.

To celebrate the 10th Anniversary the committee are working on a few new and exciting additions, including the involvement of many visiting artists, musicians, films and writers. Of course we can be assured that many of the old favourites will continue to feature.

Information about Escape Artfest 08 can be found on the festival website www.escapeartfest.info