Home Uncategorized Ben May Memorial Classic 2nd Annual Golf Scramble

Ben May Memorial Classic 2nd Annual Golf Scramble

Register now for the 2nd Annual Ben May Memorial Classic Golf Scramble. The event will take place on Monday, September 14th, 2020 at Lockport Town & Country Club. 717 East Avenue, Lockport. Registration and putting contest will start at 10am. Shotgun start is at 11am. Cocktails, dinner and prizes are at approximately 4pm. There are par sponsorship’s available.
Please click here for more information.
Please click here for the printable registration form.
Proceeds to benefit arena programming for children.The cost is $125 per golfer or $500 per foursome. Dinner only is $35.
Click here to register online for single golfer, foursome, dinner only or bonus ticket packs.*If registering a foursome please include all 4 golfers names and contact information in the comment box*
Contests and Prizes:Putting ContestHole in One – $10,000 Cash PrizeFantasy Golf Scratch Offs50/50 SplitTeam prizes ( Low gross 1st, mixed) As we celebrate the beginning of the seventh season since the opening of our new facility in Lockport, we are pleased to host the second  annual Ben May memorial Classic. A champion supporter in the city of Lockport, among many things, Mr. May was also the executive director of the Grigg Lewis Foundation. He was instrumental in forging relationships with several primary capital campaign donors which helped lead to the realty known today as Cornerstone CFCU Arena. His family welcomes you to this event, as a tribute to his legacy.