Home NYS Hockey COVID-19 Update At Superior

COVID-19 Update At Superior


Unfortunately, in keeping with State and Local guidelines, Superior Ice Rink will need to remain closed. We are tentatively planning to reopen 4/1/2020 if it is safe and all restrictions are lifted. We will keep everyone posted via our website, email, Instagram and twitter as things change and evolve. 
As further update, our renovations and new ice sheet are coming along very well and look forward to showing it off when we reopen. We will post progress pictures on our Instagram and other social media.Please be safe and healthy. See you back on the ice soon.
Possible Questions:1.    Recreational League- Spring/ summer evaluations are tentatively rescheduled for Sunday April 5th. Fall/Winter playoffs and championship games will be rescheduled, dates and times are TBD.2.    Mens League– All mens league games will be rescheduled once we reopen.3.    LI Royals travel Tuneups and Tryouts- Tryouts are being rescheduled to begin 4/20/20. Dates and Times for Tuneups and Tryouts are TBD.4.    Learn to Skate- All lessons will be rescheduled once restart date is established.5.    Private Instruction– Please contact your individual instructor.6.    FIT Athletics Gym– Closed to group training and memberships.7.    Public Sessions- All Sessions are cancelled until tentatively Wednesday 4/1/2020.