Home Junior Lockport Regals Assist With Novice Program In Lockport

Lockport Regals Assist With Novice Program In Lockport


Each week, 2 or 3 Lockport Regals Junior players assist with the Lockport Lock Monsters Novice Hockey Program for beginners.

The Lockport Lock Monster Novice Program is geared to allow area youth a chance to experience ice hockey. For a minimal cost of $120 any child, age 3-8, can learn to play hockey. They have equipment rentals and gently used equipment that allow participants to be outfitted at no cost.

The Novice Program consists of two 10 week sessions during the winter – Sept – Dec and Dec – Feb – and one 12 week session during the spring/summer season. Players skate on Saturday mornings from 8:30-9:30am with an occasional weekday practice tossed in when weekend ice is not available due to tournaments. The coaches, led by Brooke Latchford, run well organized, fun practices focused on teaching skating and hockey basics.

For more information about Lockmonster hockey visit: www.lockportlockmonsters.com