Home NHL Kane And Stanley Visit West Seneca

Kane And Stanley Visit West Seneca


Patrick Kane brought the Stanley Cup home Saturday (Aug. 24) and celebrated with his West Seneca Wings family.

Watch for complete coverage in the September issue of NY Hockey Online Magazine. A full photo page will accompany the memories shared by his coaches, friends and family.

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Janet has been covering women's hockey for over 35 years. Along with a 38 year career in Public Relations and over 40 years photographing sports, she found a passion in women's hockey. Her initial story was on the founding of the Niagara University D1 program, she expanded to collegiate and youth and was active in the founding and promoting of the WNY Girls Varsity Ice Hockey Federation. When Professional Women's Hockey hit the ice she was there, one of the first to release the story in WNY. Along with her husband, Randy, people comment that if there's hockey, the Schultz's are there!