Colin Kennedy Benefit Saturday (Nov. 24)

    NY Hockey Online apologizes for the delay in posting this; we have been traveling and without a lot of internet connection.
    Laurie Kennedy is known to many of us as the coordinator of hockey for the disabled in New York State. Her son passed away unexpectedly six years ago. For the past several years the family and their friends have been holding a fundraiser in Colin’s memory.
    This year The Fifth Annual Colin Cup will be held Saturday, Nov. 24 and benefits the Colin F. Kennedy Fund in support of Quad A for Kids. The revenue from this charity hockey tournament is used to promote academic and behavioral skills from activity based porgrams through the Quad A for Kids organization. Information on the group can be found at  The Citywide Programs offer children the opportunity to participate in a variety of social activities that promote teamwork, sportsmanship and academics throughout the entire year.
    In 2012 the Colin F. Kennedy Fund in support of Quad A for Kids made over $12,00 in grants to the following organizations: Camp Daydreams, Rochester Hispanic Youth Baseball,Cameron Community Ministries and Summer Safe Haven.
    The Colin Cup includes a pick-up hockey tournament and a celebration party. Please join the Kennedy and MacKenzie families by joining us for either the hockey and/or party, or by simply making a donation to the Colin F. Kennedy Fund.
    To find out more about this year’s event please visit