Home Uncategorized Advertising/Publication Information for 2012-13 Issues of NY Hockey On-Line

Advertising/Publication Information for 2012-13 Issues of NY Hockey On-Line


-An electronic magazine covering all ice hockey in New York State!


Advertising Rates

Full Page – 8” x 11” – $225

(12 Issues/$2,000)

1/2 Page – 4” x 5.5” – $150

(12 Issues/$1,000)

1/4 Page – 2” x 2.75” – $80

Business Card size – 2” x 3.5” – $50

Ads should be submitted as jpegs or pdfs (no changes can be made to pdfs) at 150 dpi or better. They should be designed to exact size, allowing us room to reduce for borders.

We an also design your ad for a set-up fee of $10.

At present time we cannot offer advertising on our website, but look for it in the future. Rates will change at that time! Anyone with 2012 12-month contract will not be assessed increase in magazine ad fee; but will be assessed a minor charge for web advertising.

Deadlines are 23rd of month for upcoming issue



Contact us:

Randy Schultz, Publisher/Owner/Advertising/

Editorial: [email protected]

Janet Schultz, Women’s Hockey/Photographer/

Designer: [email protected]

Warren Kozireski, College Hockey, Rochester

Amerks; special assignments:

[email protected]



Editorial Information

Stories and press releases, try-out and tournament information should be sent to [email protected] at least one week prior to publication. Deadline is generally the 23rd of each month for publication on the first of the following month.

Editorial copy must be sent as an attached word document or placed within an email message.

Photographs and graphics should be sent in jpeg format at least 4” x 6” with a resolution of at least 250 dpi.

PDF’s are acceptable but no additions or corrections can be made to them once they have been submitted. Corrections would have to be made by the original designer and another copy sent.

NY Hockey On-Line reserves the right to edit copy and photographs and not publish material that the editorial staff deems inappropriate.