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Woman Walks for Your Future

Stina Kerans Walks Her Talk

By Shanna Provost

“I am walking for every man, woman and child—for their future. I don’t know how else to shock people out of their inertia about where we are headed if we don’t make drastic changes to urban development.” Stina Kerans

You may feel you’re doing your bit by recycling and taking shorter showers–you may even have a worm farm for your scraps, but that’s simply not enough action to ensure our future.

The signs that drastic change is needed NOW are all there, and still we let developers create urban wastelands that only perpetuate our environmental problems.

One Canberra woman is so frustrated with the lack of real action by communities, councils and government that she is willing to walk as far and as long as it takes to shock our complacent society into action to do things NOW to ensure sustainability.

In the past weeks she has walked around 60 kilometres–from Yass to Murrumbateman to Hall and around Canberra suburbs.

She will continue to walk until she gets the attention of the public and genuine investors, planners and developers who are willing to implement new ways of urban development.

“There is an urgent imperative to move our cities and suburbs towards a new configuration of sustainable, human-scale, energy-conscious colonies of connected business/farming enterprises and consumers”, says Ms Kerans.

Recognised internationally for their work in sustainability, Stina and Garry Kerans see the creation of sustainable urban development locally as an opportunity for the region to showcase the viability of sustainable development.

“Our design for living can help alleviate such social issues as depression, suicide, housing affordability, financial pressures and provide a support system for single parents and the elderly. If we care for each other the environment wins as well, because we care about the environment in which we live.”

Ms Kerans walks alone along the highway with a large sign strapped to her chest and back. She says that at first she feels embarrassed, but is willing to experience the humility to get her urgent message out.

People who want to learn more about sustainable development can fill in an Eco-Survey at www.eco-survey.com.au or attend a presentation by emailing [email protected].