Home Uncategorized Australia Wide Concerns Over Proposed Voluntary Vaccination for Equine Influenza

Australia Wide Concerns Over Proposed Voluntary Vaccination for Equine Influenza


Tanner & Gypsy
Keep Equine Influenza out of Australia.

The "Thoroughbred Breeders Australia" want to introduce voluntary vaccination as they think this will allow them to keep operating races and move stock during an EI outbreak.
The "Australian Horse Industry Council" is against the proposed voluntary vaccination. And with very good reason.
Vaccinations will not stop the spread of the disease or allow horse movement during an outbreak once it’s detected.

The vaccination make it impossible to detect the disease in it’s early contagious stages and so it will be spread a lot further before actually being detected.

This is a situation that would put thousands of horses and owners at risk. Private horse ownership for pleasure riding is a massive industry. The impact of EI being introduced into Australia as a permanent disease would be incredible. Financially and personally for the hundreds of thousands of horse owners. Pony Clubs, Community Events, Local and Royal Shows, Petting Farms, Riding School … the list goes on! All these, and the support net around them, would be effected if this disease is allowed to enter Australia.
Please follow the links below to learn more and voice your concerns: