A Humbling “Thank You”



    I would just like to take a moment to say “Thank You” to all of you who responded to my article of a week ago, “A Different View of Cancer.”

    I was truly overwhelmed and humbled by the outpouring of well wishes and words of encouragement I received from so many of you. It has really helped me through this period of my life more than you will ever know.

    Just a quick update on my situation: I will be undergoing outpatient surgery on August 20 at Roswell. It is being done to see if the cancer has spread to any other parts of my body.

    In the mean time I will keep you updated with any other developments, health-wise, in my life. And I will also keep the hockey web page updated with New York State-related hockey stories.

    Again, on behalf of Janet and myself, thanks for all of your kind words and thoughts. It is appreciated.