Home College 10 Herons Named All-American Scholars

10 Herons Named All-American Scholars


Ten members of the 2020-21 William Smith College hockey team were named Krampade All-American Scholars by the American Hockey Coaches Association. It’s the most All-American Scholars in program history.

The AHCA recognizes varsity hockey players who have attained a 3.6 grade point average each semester during the 2020-21 season. This is the fifth year that the AHCA has named All-American Scholars.

The following Herons garnered the recognition this year:

Weiss and Williams earned the award for the third time while Kennedy receives All-American Scholar praise for the second time. Since 2017, the Herons have had 26 players receive All-American Scholar honors.

While William Smith did not have a formal 2020-21 season, the Herons continued their workouts on the ice and in the weight room throughout the semester. The team held an intersquad scrimmage in early March.